Image of All Saints
26 March 2020

All Saints & All Hallows
Image of All Hallows
Dear Parishioners

Following the Prime Minister's announcement on Monday we are on full lockdown. We wanted to keep All Hallows open to the public for private prayers, and Revd Christine planned to worship every Sunday alone, behind closed doors at All Saints to keep the continuity of the Eucharist in our benefice. Alas, we have to adapt to the new circumstances. Both churches and halls are completely shut until further notice.

Thank you very much for the warm words of encouragement upon reading our first newsletter. I will be emailing these out weekly on Thursday, and you are more than welcome to contribute. Some of you have already done so, sending in items to publish - do keep them coming, we are grateful for your support and the information you share.
A message from Revd Christine

Dear All

On Mothering Sunday evening I placed a candle in my window as part of the National Day of Prayer and Action organised by church leaders in Britain and Ireland “as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ”.  I was encouraged to see that a young couple, who live opposite me, then did likewise.  I spent some time praying for all those who are affected by the coronavirus which, in fact, is all of us, but some more than others – frontline medical staff, those who are striving to keep essential services running, our leaders who have to make difficult decisions, and scientists who are racing to produce a vaccine.

I have been encouraged by the kindness of  young neighbours who have offered to help us with shopping.  Hopefully, you have people that you can call on for help but, if you experience any difficulty, a member of AS congregation, Ian Barrett, has offered to collect shopping. You can contact him on 01933 274222.

I hope you have been able to access services and ‘thoughts for the day’ on the radio, television and on-line.  There’s an increasing number to choose from.

As I write, the sun is shining which is such a blessing, but so are all the quotations that come to mind.  Here is one for you to ponder:

‘Do not worry about anything,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ’
(Philippians 4.6-7)

Do let me know of your favourite words of comfort and encouragement, and I will include them in the next newsletter.

Keep well
Revd Christine
Benefice Prayer Chain

At this worrying time when we cannot get together to worship we can all find more time to pray.

The prayer chain is made up of twelve members of All Saints and All Hallows. We pray for people who have either asked specifically for our prayers or who have given us permission to pray for them. These prayers could be for somebody who is sick or going through a difficult time. We do not ignore any request.  We also pray for situations. At this time we are all praying for the effects of the Coronavirus situation. We continue to pray for each person for three weeks, unless we are asked to continue, and then hand over to God.

Perhaps you would like to use this prayer yourselves as we support one another at this time:

Let us join together in prayer
asking God to bring
comfort to the anxious,
healing to the sick
and wise discernment to the decision makers.

Please do use this resource.
Barbara Haynes

If you would like us to pray for you, or for a friend, or a family member, please ring Barbara on 01933 222612 or mobile 07694251570. She will pass the message to the members of the prayer chain.

The April parish magazines will not be printed as it will not be possible to deliver them. However John Vintiner can send you an electronic copy. Contact him on; 01933 382502; 0774615656.
All Hallows’ Men’s Fellowship 100 Club

The monthly draw will not take place, and will resume when the restrictions are lifted and we are back to normal. The monthly draws from March to August are now on hold.
Thought for the day videos

Peterborough Diocese is producing short, uplifting daily videos. In the very first one, published earlier this week, Archdeacon Richard shows us around the empty Bouverie Court, and talks about having 'breakfast with the Lord.'
Click here for the videos.

Revd Christine
01933 226730
07927405764 (text messages only)
(Prayer Chain)
01933 222612
(Benefice Admin, and the editor of this newsletter)

(Magazine editor)
01933 382502
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