All Saints and All Hallows together logo


  30 July

Dear Friends

From this week the Church Office in All Saints will be open on Wednesday mornings only from 8am-12noon. On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Agnes will be working from home between 8am and 12noon. If you need to contact her please do so by email. If you have to visit the office please observe hand sanitising requirements and social distance guidelines. 

As we return to church it is important that we ensure that the church diary is up to date, if you are responsible for organising groups or organisations, please could you make sure that you pass the most up to date information regarding your planned events and meetings to Agnes so they can be included on the central calendar and on the diary pages of the service sheets. Thank you.

As Sunday worship begins again you will notice a few changes in the coming weeks. 

    • The service on Sunday will last for approximately 40mins and the format will necessarily be different to pre-lockdown services, all of this is to ensure that we comply with the current public health guidelines.

    • From next week the newsletter format will be changed, there will no longer be a message from the clergy team or articles but instead it will contain weekly notices, prayer requests and information about upcoming services/events – very like the notices at the back of the weekly service sheets. The newsletter will continue to be emailed on Thursdays. 

    • The service on Sunday will be recorded, one week at All Saints and the next at All Hallows. The camera will be positioned so that only those directly involved in the service are visible. The recording will be posted unedited to our YouTube channel on Sunday afternoon. In addition, while we are unable to sing in church, we will be posting an additional video of the hymns which would have been sung in church so that you can enjoy these in the comfort of your own home. The YouTube link remains unchanged:

    • Service sheets, or folios, will be produced for each service and we ask that you take these home with you please.

As you aware the guidelines continue to change almost weekly and we are trying our best to keep up and reopen our churches safely so that we may come together again to worship and to receive the Holy Sacrament. However, if you are vulnerable to COVID 19 or prefer to stay away at this time, we do understand. We hope that by offering the recordings on YouTube and the weekly notice sheet you will be able to continue to feel connected even if not physically present.

Words cannot express how much I am looking forward to being back in church, presiding of the Eucharist, sharing the heavenly food that sustains us and worshipping with you our ever faithful, ever loving, everlasting God.

God Bless,

Rev Paula

Eucharist services at           All Saints        8am & 9.15am
                                                All Hallows    11.15am
Mothers' Union

All Saints’ Mothers’ Union will celebrate their founder Mary Sumner at a gathering on Wed 12 Aug at 14:00 in Rev Christine’s garden.
Reading Café

The Reading Café will be held online on Fri 14 Aug at 16:00 via Zoom. If you don't already have the registration link, please ask Helen.
Prayer chain

Our benefice prayer chain is made up of twelve members of All Saints and All Hallows, to serve people who have either asked them or given them permission to pray for them. They also pray for severe situations to ease, like the pandemic. If you would like them to pray for you, or for a friend, or for a relative, ring Barbara (01933 222612 or 07694251570).
Used spectacles and hearing aids

We are collecting donations of used spectacles and hearing aids in a bin in All Saints' Narthex. The Lion's Club in Wellingborough will ship them out for use in Third World countries.
Our prayers are asked for:Prayer

Those who suffer in body, mind or spirit, among them Peter B, Christian S.

The housebound: Ruth S, Doreen A, Margaret O, Diana B.

The Porvoo Churches – Helsinki, Bristol.

If you would like to add a name to our prayer list, please first obtain the consent of the person you wish us to pray for. Then tell Rev Paula or Agnes at the Benefice Office whom to pray for and the reason why. A name remains on the list for three weeks.
Useful links and phone numbers

Morning and evening prayer on Zoom call Rev Christine (01933 226730).
Our Prayer and Praise services online
Our film quiz

(phone 01933 274222) can help collect your shopping and prescriptions.
Northamptonshire Coronavirus Support Line for getting food, prescriptions and other services – call 0300 126 1000 / option 5.

List of churches with online services
Free worship phone line – call 0800 804 8044Church of England logo
For good mental health
For worship at home
For households with children: Faith at Home
Further resources from Peterborough Diocese
Rev Paula
01933 227101
(benefice admin and newsletter editor)
Rev Christine
01933 226730
07927405764 (text messages only)
(prayer chain)
01933 222612 or 07694251570
Canon Margaret
(magazine editor)
01933 382502 or 0774615656
Bob A.
(churchwarden and GDPR officer of All Saints)
01933 383316
(churchwarden, planned giving and GDPR officer of All Hallows)
01933 401596
Bob T.
(churchwarden of All Saints)
01933 227335
Bob A.
(churchwarden of All Hallows)
01933 223850
(help with shopping)
01933 274222
(treasurer of All Saints & All Hallows)
Churches open for private prayer
All Saints Thursday 10:00-12:00 - entry through the Lady Chapel door
All Hallows Wednesday and Saturday 10:30-12:30

Our website:
Our online services:
Church calendar:
All Saints on Facebook
All Hallows on Facebook
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