A variety of groups meet in All Saints and All Hallows including:
Church Choirs
A robed choir of adults and children, with practice every Friday lead the worship each Sunday in both churches
Serving Teams
A full team serve at the Parish Eucharist each Sunday in both churches. Training is given to children and adults who would like to join the team.
Bell ringing takes place on Sundays and Tuesdays
Handbell ringing takes place on Tuesdays
Tiny Tots
For the under 5’s. Meets in All Hallows Church Hall once a month on a Thursday morning with refreshments and playtime.
Sunday School
From 3 years upwards. Meets in All Saints’ Church Hall each Sunday of term time at 9.15am for worship, stories and activities. They come into the Parish Eucharist at the Peace and stay for the remainder of the service.
Tea at Two
Meets monthly on the Tuesday afternoons for a chat and cuppa.
Study Groups
Study topics in Advent and Lent each week at a particular venue.
Mothers’ Union
Meets regularly throughout the year with a branch in both Parishes.
Uniformed Groups
Beavers (6-8’s), Cubs (8-10’s) and Scouts (10-14’s)
Meet on various evenings in the week
Rainbows (5-7’s) Brownies (7-10’s) and Guides (10-14’s)
Meet on various evenings in the week
Explorer Scouts meets on Sunday evenings
To find out more about any of these groups please contact us for more details.
Because we consider the safety and well-being of children to be of paramount importance, any adults who volunteer to work with children in any of our church groups, undergo checks according to the guidelines laid down in the All Saints Child Protection Policy. Copies of the All Saints Child Protection Policy are on view in the Church and Church Hall.