A message from Fr. Tony and Helen.
As I said at our final service with you it has been a huge privilege to have been part of All Saints with All Hallows’ over these last 18 years. Leaving is quite a wrench for us and the final service with you was emotionally quite demanding, as you can imagine.
We were overwhelmed with your generosity and good wishes. We had so many cards, then and since, with best wishes and kind words, not to mention many gifts and visitors to the Vicarage who wished to say a personal goodbye. I have enough whiskey to last me well into 2020!
The service itself was very carefully and skilfully put together. I was left severely out of the arrangements; though Helen and I couldn’t have wished for a better occasion to say farewell to you and wish you every blessing for the future.
All Saints and All Hallows’ have many very gifted people with whom it has been an absolute delight to work. I don’t want to try to list thanks to different people and groups because I tried to do that on the day and there is always the danger someone is left out. Suffice to say we are extremely grateful to both churches and the school for all the support and encouragement over the years and for the expression of gratitude and affection we received at our final service.
The hugely generous cheque you gave us will be used to buy a summer house that will double up as a study for both Helen and me.
We wish you well for the future and for the appointment of your new Vicar. Continue to pray for us as we will for you
The Lord be with you
Fr Tony and Helen