The Reading Café

The Reading Café is open to all who enjoy reading and who would like to join others to share their thoughts on the content of the book of the month.
Looking ahead we are planning on reading by the given date the following:
Saturday 12 January | Struggling to be Holy; (Prologue & Reflections 1 – 3) Judy Hirst |
Saturday 9 February | Struggling to be Holy; (Reflections 4 – 6) Judy Hirst |
Saturday 9 March | The Madness of St Paul; Richard Dormandy |
Friday 12 April | Celtic Lent; David Cole (Lent book) |
Why wish you a merry Christmas? by Nick Baines we felt fulfilled its subtitle ‘What matters [and what doesn’t] in the festive season’. We were reminded of the real story, and how we ‘have managed, by romanticizing the festival and commercializing our culture, to turn Christmas into something tame, fantastic and anaemic’. The main discussion revolved around those without faith and how alien being in a church was to them. This led to us thinking about how to be more missional. Our conclusion was that within a generation or two, Christmas will become a festival without any relationship to the Biblical context!
If one of the books listed above interests you – why not read it and join us for the discussion. The Saturday discussions are at 3pm, and the Friday meetings at 7pm in All Hallows Church Hall. And there is always tea and cakes!
Helen Jennings